
Details 71...

A really productive day.... until I got ahead of myself! Got the firewall pads hung (used zip ties until I'm 100% satisfied before inserting the rubber retainers), the column braces, brake pedal support, accelerator pedal all hung, master cylinder and booster installed and the brake pedal pad and stainless steel trim attached.

I then unwrapped the steering column and the rag joint extension assembly and as I was trying to install the extension onto the steering shaft, I forgo...t to loosen and retract the pinch bolt in the extension clamp and inadvertently collapsed the steering shaft! GRRRR.... so I proceeded to disassemble the steering column so I could access the steering shaft and get it extended back to the necessary length.

Hopefully next weekend I can get the shaft extended, the column reassembled and the column and steering wheel installed back in the Tomato so it appears to be a car on the inside once more!

Stay tuned..............


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