
Blasted... Part 5

Well went over today to finish removing the rear sway bar links and brackets from the frame and started breaking down the rear end.

First order of business was to remove the rear sway bar links. During the building of the Gran Torino's, Ford assembled the frames before they attached the body because removing the sway bar links and brakets was a real PITA! There is just NO ROOM the get at the nut holding the sway bar link to the bracket...

and swing the ratchet, so what I had to do was get a ratchet and socket on the nut, wedge it up against the frame and use a breaker bar to spin the link out of the nut.....

I was sucessful removing the passenger side with incident...

but the driver side snapped just below the nut so now the search begins for a replacement...

The next challenge was removing the frame brackets....

As with the sway bar links, there isn't enough room to get good access with your ratchet and socket and get a good swing so you have to really pump the ratchet to get the brackets off.....

I think when I put things back together, I'm gonna put the stud plate inside the bracket (left side) with the nuts on the outside of the frame crossmember to make things easier to reassemble...

I also got the lower control arms, brake lines and sway bar removed from the rear end.....

The upper control arm bolts were really on there tight, so I soaked them good with PB Blaster and hopefully next weekend using a BFI I'll be able to get them removed as well.

Until next installment....


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