
Details 84....

A wee bit of progress this weekend... CaliforniaJohnny sent me a proportioning valve like is on the Tomato.

It allowed me to make a distribution piston stop (install in place of brake switch to keep the piston centered while bleeding) as well as determining how to recenter the piston in my proportioning valve.

Simple as taking a 3/32" dia round (the cross bar from a wire coat hanger in my case!)

and gently tapping the piston forward in the distribution block until the center divot was visible in the switch opening.

I'll install the stop to keep the piston in place until we get the back brakes bled. Once both systems are bled and I have a firm pedal, the stop will come out and the switch installed back into it's proper home.

Once that was finished, I went into the blast booth and blasted a bit more on the deck lid. Just about finished on the outside...

then I'll flip it over and do the inside. Oh what fun!

The next two weekends will be unproductive... I have a doctors appointment next weekend at the Cleveland Clinic and the following weekend is our annual wedding anniversary Halloween party.

Until next installment....


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